In January, I decided I had better go through The Imagining Wall once more before sending it out into the world. I wasn’t quite expecting it to take six months, but I’m glad I spent that extra time.
Last Friday, I finally sent the manuscript to the typesetter, and I’m really excited to see what she can do with it. I also got my daughter to finish off sending out my ARC review request emails. I paid her £10 and she nailed it in 10 minutes. At £60 per hour, I’m not sure I can afford her services anymore.
I think I’m going to bite the bullet and pay for the shortest possible run of high-spec books for the ARCs. I think Kate’s artwork deserves foil lettering and that cool effect where they colour the edges of the pages. So if you fancy getting hold of one in return for an honest review, please email me at or call 07762 906818
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